R for Data Analysis

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Files for today: data.frames | data.table | tidyverse


  • Data.frames are an extremely useful object for analysis
    • You can think of them as an Excel table
    • However, they are list objects in R with certain constraints and special properties
    • Each element of the list (ie column of a data.frame) is a vector of the same length
    • These vectors (ie data.frame columns) can store values of different types
  • To subset a data.frame, use the list and vector subsetting operations already discussed
  • To add a new column, syntax is the same as adding a new list element
  • Sorting is simply subsetting the dataframe with all rows (in a different order) returned
  • Common analytic operations
    • Use aggregate() to perform a common split-apply-combine summary analysis
    • Use merge() to combine multiple data.frames based on the values of select key columns
  • Categorical variables are called “factors” in R
    • Offer efficient storage when the number of levels (values of the categorical variable) is much fewer than the number of rows of the data.frame
    • Many algorithms handle them appropriately, eg, gender in the linear regression lm(height ~ weight + gender)

Data Input/Output

  • R is generally fantastic at getting data in and out of R, but we’ll focus only on 2 common approaches:
    • read.csv() brings data in, stored as a data.frame object
    • write.csv() does exactly what you think
    • save() write one or more objects to disk in an efficient R-specific storage format
    • load() reads in saved objects


  • Data Table Overview
    • Created by Matt Dowle, now maintained by others
    • Check out its homepage here and be sure to read the vignettes!
    • Mature, stable project that provides enhancements to the Base R data.frame object
    • Provides concise syntax that is efficient to read and write
    • Is fast, with many operations internally parrellelized
    • Has no dependencies other than Base R.
  • Syntax dt[i,j,by] matches SQL commands: where, select, group by
    • i subsets rows, no need to refer to dt$ or extra comma when requesting all columns in the subset, eg dt[i] not df[df$i,]
    • j selects columns using list() or .(), or creates columns using :=
    • aggregation occurs when a vector of grouping variable(s) is specified in by
    • altogether this makes split-apply-combine a single, concise command
  • .SD and .SDcols are used to operate on multiple columns
  • Data Table also provides:
    • a set of set_ convenience functions, my favorite is set_names()
    • fast data input/out with fread() and fwrite()
    • fast rolling joins


  • Tidyverse overview
    • Created by Hadley Wickham, now assisted by Posit team
    • A collection of R packages that share common principles and are designed to work together seamlessly
    • Enhanced the Base R data.frame with the tibble
    • Two stand-out packages are dplyr for common operations with data.frames and ggplot2 for plotting
    • Tidyverse functions encourage pipe |> operations, which make code supremely readable and beginner-programmer-friendly
    • Pipe is cmd + shift + m on Mac and ctrl + shift + m on Windows
  • dplyr verbs for working with data.frames/tibbles:
  • the 5 verbs and group_by
      1. filter() selects rows
      1. arrange() orders by row
      1. select() chooses columns
      1. mutate() creates new columns
      1. summarize() with group_by() split-apply-combine aggregations
    • You’ll stumble accross other gems such as distinct(), count(), sample_n(), transmute(), slice(), n(), etc.
  • Offers the best syntax for reshaping data from wide to long (or vice-versa) with pivot_wider() and pivot_longer()